Monday, May 16, 2011

Interviewing Roland.

Q: What are you?
A: I am the 2nd furry my master Kyle made in secret after he made my best friend Sophitia...

Q: Why do you call him master?
A: I don't know... First time we met he always acted like a father figure to me.

Q: What do you think of Sophitia?
A: She's my best friend and the nicest person I've ever met. She always tried to act like my caretaker when something was wrong with me...

Q: What IS wrong with you?
A: *Turns the other way* What's wrong with your face, fuckhead?

Q: Do you know of a guy named Roland?
A: Does is matter to you? Yeah, I know of a guy named Roland! Does he know where you live? Yeah, he knows where you live! Get where I'm getting at?

Q: What do you do with the guy named Roland?
A: All sorts of shit! Experimenting on people, playing with them, toying with them, FUCKING with them! Aha ha ha ha ha!... Good times... Who knows, he could be interested in you next...

Q: Why do you do this?
A: For FUN, what does it sound like to you, a playground?!

Q: What do you think of Sophitia now?
A: "Now"? Ha ha ha ha ha ha!... You must've been talking to the pussy! She's a bitch who gets in my way EVERY TIME I want to have a little fun! Too bad for her I guess...

Q: Why is your eye bleeding?
A: Because of your stupid voice that's talking to me, that's why!

Q: Why have you become a psychopath?
A: Aww, you're too kind...

A Day in the Court

Phoenix Wright: *looks at paper he's holding*

The paper says: He's lying.

Phoenix Wright: *slams table* OBJECTION!

Phoenix Wright: Your lying!

Murderer: *gasps* What?!

Moments later...

Judge: I'm sorry Phoenix, but I'm gonna have to penalize you.

Phoenix Wright: DAMN YOU PIECE OF PAPER!!! *face palms*

Maya: ... Really, Nick?...

Piece of paper: *troll face*

Memories Never Escape from the Heart.

Fear fear.

Everybody is afraid of something. Even people like you Clyde. Your always trapped in your fantasy world thinking your some sort of hero. But, let me ask you this, What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of people you know dying in front of you? Ha ha ha, silly me, that's already happened! Are you afraid of me? No, the look in your eyes isn't fear, but the look of revenge... Are you mad at me? Are you mad at what I am? Were you THAT foolish enough to think that I was your your little brother? Ha ha, let me tell you this, I am much older than you. Hell, I even lost track of how old I am. Are you scared of my power? Are you frightened to know the fact that I am much stronger than you? Or, are you scared of fear itself? Knowing the fact that you all have forgotten about yourself. Are you mad that I was the one who killed you parents and separated you from your village, and you forgotten all about it? But that's okay, you can forget about all those useless memories... And, say hello to reality. Anger is all that you have left isn't it? The age of sorrow has ended and the thing to take its place is hate. Hate makes yourself stronger. Hate is what makes you want revenge. So, hate everyone but yourself, that's what will make yourself stronger.

Life is a bitch isn't it?...

Fear is no Illusion.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Interviewing Sophitia.

Q: What are you?
A: I am what most people would call a furry. Yes, the thing that some people would see on the internet... And other crap...

Q: Who created you?
A: Some dick named Kyle... He always thought that he was more superior than most humans. That's why he always acts like a dick to everybody.

Q: Why did he create you?
A: Hell if I know, pleasure maybe? Did I mention he was a dick?

Q: What do you think of your friend Roland?
A: Well, sometimes I fear for her... Her split personality sometimes comes out of nowhere and scares the hell out of everybody including Kyle. That's why I'm trying to help her from making bad decisions... That's why I'm her friend...

Q: What do you think of Clyde?
A: To tell you the truth, I didn't like him at first, He always looked at me like "What the hell do you know." And the truth is, I didn't know. I didn't know he was in the middle of a fight with somebody far worst than my friend Roland's alter ego. That's where the other Roland comes in, He kidnapped me, Urika, and Clyde and brought us back to his world... I was unconscious the whole frikin time, even while Clyde and Roland were fighting again! Also this kid named Klonoa was there fighting with Clyde... Last thing I remembered seeing when I became conscious was seeing a blade in Roland's head with Clyde and Klonoa exhausted and bleeding pretty badly. I also remembering seeing some other guy hanging on a cross on the ceiling... That was the most terrible thing I have ever seen in my entire life... Apparently he was a friend of Klonoa's... I cried...

Q: What do you think of Urika?
A: He was my first friend I ever had, and the first person to accept of what I was... I still remember the face he made when he first saw me! It wasn't funny before but now that we are both good friends it doesn't hurt to go back to the funny parts of how we met.

Q: Do you think you've changed?
A: Have I changed?... Hmm, over the past 5 years of me living I think I have changed, pretty dramatically too... I used to be really shy and totally unaware of my surroundings... That's where Urika came. He helped me so much I always try to think of a way to thank him.

Q: What do you think of the human race?
A: It's not my place to answer a question like that. I really have no opinion.

Understanding Nothing.

I am the body of a devil inside a young woman named Roland. The Devil is not me but somebody else. Too many people have misjudged me for somebody else, and that "somebody else" is me... But I can't control myself anymore... It's like I'm being possessed... Don't listen to me... Don't listen to my lies... Don't listen to the other me's lies... It's not me... Not me at all... But, that's no excuse... The pain inside will always catch up to me no matter how hard I try to hide it...

This is my cry for forgiveness to all of the people I have tortured...

I am begging for forgiveness...

Tears of the Unknown.

These are not tears of joy or sorrow...These are not tears of pain or happiness... Actually, I don't even know what these tears are for... I don't know why I'm crying... These tears aren't tears at all... It's blood running down my eyes... It doesn't hurt at all, In fact, I feel fine... But, why are my eyes crying blood?... I see now... The truth was hidden... But, now I see it... The truth is now telling me this... "The truth doesn't come from the eyes or ears, but from the heart..."

I now have hope...

Thank you Clyde...

The life of (the) Roland(s)...

Two Roland's working with each other, one stronger than the other, both living inside the embodiment of evil itself. Their eye's bleed death when they meet someone new, there eye's never lie. Each time someone injects them self with lies the Roland's will always be the first to notice it. They teach people pain worst than death. The only thing they help people with is to put them out of their misery. There is no escaping the grasp of ruthlessness you see in their eyes. They don't know what mercy is. Their eye's...

Their eye's never got a hint of truth at all. They've been feeding on lies the whole time. They didn't see it at first, but Clyde was the one who helped them see it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Interviewing Clyde

Q: What is like to carry a sword around you everywhere?
A: It's not like I carry it everywhere I go, sometimes I have to make it disappear out of my hand because I get tired of carrying it.

Q: Is it magic that makes your sword disappear?
A: No it's not magic, It's something a little bit more complicated than that.

Q: Why not buy a sheath for you sword?
A: I doubt anybody in the right mind would have a sheath that my sword could fit into.

Q: What do you think of Klonoa?
A: He's quite an energetic boy, he always seems to have a smile on his face when we decide to travel with each other. He makes me feel relaxed when he grins.

Q: What do think about Roland?
A: Depends on which Roland your talking about. Do you mean the Roland that I killed, or the woman named Roland?

Q: What do think about the woman named Roland?
A: Despite the fact that she has an evil alter ego, she seems to be a very kind person and is very lucky to have a friend like Sophie.

Q: What do you think about Sophitia?
A: You mean Sophie? First time we met I don't think she liked my attitude. But that's understandable, I was kinda of a jerk... Other than that, she's a very easygoing kinda person and is easy to understand when you get to know her.

Q: What do you think of the Roland that you killed?
A: Ha ha, that's a funny question! Moving on...

Q: What do you do in your free time?
A: Mainly I explore the places of the world I seemed to have forgotten about.

Q: What do you think when Klonoa goes "Wahoo!"
A: I'm not gonna lie, I think it's pretty silly. But whatever makes him say that when he's excited then whatever...