Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Talking to Roland.

Me: So Roland, I heard your working for Roland. Why?... Why would you work for a man like him?...

Roland: Didn't you ask me the same fucking question not so long ago?

Me: I never got a reasonable answer. All you did was threaten me.

Roland: How in the hell did you know this anyway? Your asking me questions like you already know the answers to them! How?

Me: I know a lot about you. It's just I want to hear the answers come out of your own mouth. Now can you answer the question or not?

Roland: What's the point, you said you already know a lot about me, so answer your own damn question!

Me: Roland, I know we both have our own different answers, so can you please cooperate with me?

Roland: Heh heh heh... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!... I'm sorry but, cooperate isn't in my vocabulary!

Me: That's odd because, I thought you wanted to become an English teacher.

Roland: Huh?.. Oh shit, you should really stop listening to that bitch.

Me: Which bitch? Sophie, or yourself?...

Roland: Both of them! There both a couple a bitches and should burn in hell for always getting in my fucking way!

Me: Getting in the way of what?!


Me: If their getting in the way of you murdering innocent people I think that's a good thing!


Me: Look just calm down, there's nothing to be upset about.

Roland: SHUT UP! You think you know SO MUCH about me, but you DON'T! I can have sex to or murder as many FUCKING people as I like!

Me: But, that's not what you like.

Roland: What did you just say?!

Me: You just want attention.

Roland: What, do you think I'm some sort of internet troll or something?!

Me: No... You just want to give yourself a bad name to as many people as you can by pushing yourself farther from the edge. You don't think you can turn back from that edge do you?

Roland: *eye's start to bleed* You-!... You-... Fucking asshole... You know too much about me... How?... How in the-?... How in the HELL do you know this much about me?... Your eye's aren't even bleeding... I-... I can't even tell who you are... Dammit... My eye's hurt so much... *shivers*

Roland: ... That's it, I think it's about time for me to take my part and leave. Austin... Your a pretty interesting person to know these kinda of stuff about me... But, what my eye is telling me about you is that your no threat to me at all.

Me: So your gonna go back to the other Roland now? That's it? Your not gonna kill me?

Roland: Please... If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead long ago.

Enjoy Joy

Thursday, June 9, 2011

What I would do with lemons.

Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade, make life take the lemons back! GET MAD! I don't want any of your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these?! They demand to see life's manager, make life rue the day it thought it could give Austin Carpenter lemons! Do you know who I am?! I'm the man who's going to burn your house down!... With the lemons! I'm gonna get some engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN!!!

Another Day in the Court.

Scout's Epic Face

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Interviewing Roland Part 2

(This takes place after Roland gets a hold of herself.)

Q: Why do your eye's bleed?
A: I'm not 100% sure yet, but whenever they do, I instantly know a lot about the person I'm looking at...

Q: Why do you work for the other Roland? He's a cruel man.
A: I don't know... It's like I can't control myself when I'm around him, literally. I guess that's why everybody says that I have an alter ego... It's something I can't control.

Q: What do think Sophie thinks about you?
A: That's something I don't want to try imagining too hard about. We had good times together yeah, but when I'm not myself around her I don't know what to think...

Q: Have you ever heard of a boy named Clyde?
A: Clyde? Hmmm... That name... I've heard of it before... I don't know from who though...

Q: What do you think of Keith?
A: Um... I guess he's a nice guy. He did help me learn English when I didn't know how to talk. Well, he was the one who let me live in his house... Yeah, I think he's the nicest person I ever met!

Q: What do you think of Urika?
A: We don't talk to each other that often, he rarely even talks to me. But he seems to be good guy, I have nothing against him.

Q: Have you thought to do anything to do in your future?
A: You mean like a job or something? Well, I am supposed to be 24 years old...I haven't given it much thought lately... I have been thinking of becoming an English teacher, but I doubt I can become one.

Q: Why become an English teacher?
A: I've been taught about English every day sense I didn't even know how to talk by Keith.I guess it's a small goal that don't really pay attention to that often, mostly because I forget.