Thursday, August 11, 2011

Interviewing Roland (with a special guest)

Me: Hello again, Roland.

Roland: Ah, Austin. I see you want to try interviewing me again.

Me: This time won't be the same.

Roland: How so?...

*Special guest enters the room*

Roland: What... The hell?...

Sophie: Hey, Roland.

Roland: What the hell is this? Some sort of group meeting now? How in the world did you get her here?

Me: I got her here by walking through the front door with her.

Sophie: I just need to talk to you for a bit.

Roland: Talk to me about WHAT exactly?

Sophie: About you.

Roland: Ha ha! This is new. Sense when did you take an interest in talking about me?

Sophie: Sense the days when Keith noticed you kept disappearing on him.

Roland: So what?...

Sophie: What have you been doing at those times when you disappear?

Roland: That's none of your business.

Sophie: Is there something you don't want to tell me?

Roland: That doesn't concern you... Wait... Did Austin not fill you in with details or something?

Sophie: So, there IS something your not telling me.

Roland: I'll take that as a no.

Me: I want Sophie to figure it out on her own, so please cooperate with her.

Roland: Ah okay... I'll give it to you straight. First, let's travel along the path of Memory Lane shall we.

Roland: Do you remember that one time that I came into your room naked Sophitia?

Sophie: That one day when you weren't yourself, I remember.

Roland: And, you do remember what happened after that, right?

Sophie: ...Yes...

Roland: Well, let's just say you weren't the only one...

Sophie: What did you just say?!

To Be Continued...